Welcome to Registration, Chargers!
Registration includes many events for Rising 10th - 12th Graders. These events span through the Spring 2024 semester and beyond. Students and families will find helpful information here and on other high school and district webpages. Students who do not currently attend Cox Mill High School should click here for information on enrolling at CMHS so we can properly assist you. We look forward to working with you! For our current students, begin here:
Step One in the process of registering for your classes involves educating and empowering yourself. This video contains important information that will help you make the best choices.
In Step 2, you will review important information, resources and tools you need to make wise course choices for next year. The resources on this page help you to:
You will do the most important work in this step. You will make a plan by assessing where you are and what comes next. You should revisit (and possibly revise) this plan each year as you and your interests grow and change.
__________ Planning Information __________
10th - 12th: 2024 Course Selections10th - 12th: 4 Year Plan Worksheet10th - 12th: Graduation Progress Checklist
Curriculum Guide (Course Descriptions)
__________ CMHS COURSE APPLICATIONS __________
LEADERSHIP Due: January 31stYEARBOOK Due: April 19thBROADCASTING II, III, IV Due: February 23rdProficient & Advanced Chorus Application
__________ Important Forms __________
SENIORS ONLY - Early Grad & True Flex Form
__________ Helpful Tips __________
__________ VIRTUAL COURSE OPTIONS __________
Click the image to go to the website for more information.
Step Three is where you put your course requests into PowerSchool. Do not complete this step until you have reviewed Steps 1 & 2 and discussed your course selections with your parent(s)/guardian(s).
Some reminders:
Step Three is where you put your course requests into PowerSchool. Do not complete this step until you have reviewed Steps 1 & 2 and discussed your course selections with your parent(s)/guardian(s).
Some reminders: