North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) is a distance learning option available to students. The courses are managed 100% online with mostly asynchronous courses. Students work on campus in our YES Center or at home (FLEX - 11th & 12th only). Students are expected to login to their virtual class every school day and plan to work a minimum of 90 minutes per day!
❖CTE, Honors & AP course options
❖2.8 unweighted GPA required
❖Students may ONLY take courses not offered at CMHS
❖Login daily, 90/minutes per day
❖Virtual courses; no live session
❖Students may take Fall, Spring, & Summer classes
Where do I take my virtual courses?
Students will be assigned a "Placeholder" in their schedule
Students will report to the YES Center, Room #2208, during their designated class time.
11th & 12th graders may request to FLEX the class period if it is in 1st or 4th block and with approval. Flex Form must be completed. Review FLEX Policies.
Grading Policies
Students may not drop courses. Droping an NCVPS course will result in a “WF”.
All courses follow the same CMHS schedule change policies.
Only Final Grades are entered into Powerschool at the end of the semester.
Your final NCVPS Grade will be on your transcript and factor into your GPA like a regular Cox Mill Course.
Course Expectations – YOU EARN YOUR GRADE!
Students will receive your LOGIN info by email and in class on the 1st day of the semester in the YES Center.
Students are expected to login daily.
Students will communicate any concerns or questions with their NCVPS teacher asap.
WORLD LANGUAGES: (live, virtual coaching session may be required)
Spanish III Honors
Spanish IV Honors
Mandarin Chinese
American Sign Language
AP European History (year-long)
AP Art History (year-long)
SAS Computer Programming
Career Management (CTE In Person Final Exam Required)
Art of Fashion Design (prq = ART 1)
Art of Game Design (prq = ART 1)
Art of Visual Journaling (prq = ART 1)
World Religions
Medieval Studies
Leadership Development
Success 101
Veterinary Science – Fall & Spring Only
Oceanography – Spring Only