What is ITS?
The International Thespian Society (ITS for short) is an international honor society for students who excel in theatre arts. Each student chapter is known as a troupe. Troupe #8119, the Cox Mill chapter of ITS, was founded in 2015.
How do I join?
ITS has a point system to track student work and achievement in performance, technical, and other production categories. Inductees must earn points over the course of more than one production prior to being eligible to join. Candidates for membership in ITS must obtain a minimum of 10 points that represent an accumulation of at least 100 hours of acting and/or technical work. Interested students should visit the Points page for additional information. An induction ceremony for new members is held during second semester every year. After induction, troupe members must continue earning 10 points annually in order to remain a member in good standing and receive an honor cord for graduation.
How much does ITS cost?
Joining ITS requires an initial one-time payment of $35 to cover local and national dues.
When and where does ITS meet?
ITS meets once a month from 2:30-3:30 in the theatre classroom. Meetings are open to all students, but are required for inducted members.
Meeting dates: September 12th, October 10th, November 14th, December 12th
Click Here for our last meeting’s slides!
2022-2023 Officers
President: Sophia Mastan
Vice President: Israel Wizikowski
Secretary: Dasha Jackson
Historian: Winn Griffin
Treasurer: Abbey Woerner
Communications Officer: Lallie Goodman
For any questions, email Ms. Grelecki: victoria.grelecki@cabarrus.k12.nc.us